Use the Operations section of the Audit view to query the FactoryTalk Remote Access service for auditing information about operations that can be downloaded for reporting purposes. The records returned by the query can be limited or targeted by supplying criteria in the query fields displayed.
In fields that allow you to type a name directly, you can specify all or part of a name. The query will return all records that include that criteria. For example, if users Tester1, Tester2, and Tester3 are conducting the test operations, typing the word “Test” returns all of the records, however, typing the number 2 returns only operations conducted by Tester2.
You can query using the following fields:
Author name - The user account that performed the operation.
Operation type - The type of operation conducted by the FactoryTalk Remote Access service. Click the pull-down arrow for a list of operations.
Target type - The resource that was the target of the operation. Click the pull-down arrow for a list of target types.
Target name - The name of the resource that was the target of the operation.
Result - The result of the operation. Click the pull-down arrow to choose either All, Failure, Success, or Unauthorized.
Date from - The start of the date range.
Date to - The end of the date range.
To query operations and download the results#
Choose the fields on which you want to query. Make sure to specify the date range. Use additional fields to limit the records as desired.
Date from - Click the calendar icon and choose the first date from which you want to include operations records.
Date to - Click the calendar icon choose the late date from which you want to include operations records.
Click Search. After the query is completed, records are displayed in the list below.
Click the Download button
to download the records listed. You can choose either:
Copy to clipboard - Puts the records in the operating system clipboard where they can be pasted into a text editor or another program
Export CSV - Puts the records into a comma-separated value (CSV) file. The file is named Export.csv and is located in your default browser download file.
Export Excel -Puts the records into a standard Microsoft Excel format file (.xlsx). The is name Export.xlsx and is located in your default browser download file.
The export file names will be numerically incremented if other files of the same name are present in the download directory.