Stratix 4300 Remote Access Router Configuration#

Before the router can be used for remote access it must be configured for remote access services by changing the password: When specifying the new administrator password make sure it meets these password complexity requirements:

  • At least one uppercase character

  • At least one lowercase character

  • At least one numeric character

  • At least one symbolic character


This procedure requires physical access to the router.

To perform initial router configuration

  1. Login with the default IP address to the device in the Stratix 4300 Device Manager. The default user name and password are both “admin”.

  2. Change the password for the device.

  3. Restart the router after the password is changed.

  4. Confirm that the WAN port is connected to the Internet.

The router is now ready to be added to the FactoryTalk Remote Access domain.

Next, download the FactoryTalk Remote Access Tools and make your first connection. See First FactoryTalk Remote Access Connection.