Object Definitions#

The Object Definitions analysis dashboard provides details about the object configurations in the project.

Click Details on the Object Definitions card to view additional analysis information about these objects:

  • Add-On Instructions

  • User-Defined Data Types

  • String Data Types

Add-On Instructions#

The analysis summary identifies the number of AOIs in the project. In the Add-On Instructions details table you can scroll through the individual AOIs and see information about:

  • Source Protection or Encryption Status — Identifies if the AOI has been protected. Protected AOIs do not have their contents displayed in the analysis, instead a small summary of information is provided.

  • Revision Information — The revision of the AOI.

  • Parameters — The number of Input, Output, and InOut parameters in the AOI.

  • Local Tags — The number of local tags in the AOI.

  • Scan Modes — Scan mode routines do not initially exist for Add-On Instructions. If a scan mode was configured for the AOI in Logix Designer it is noted in the analysis by LD, FBD, ST.

  • Safety Signature — If the AOI is signed, the Signature ID and timestamp are provided. If the instruction is a safety instruction that has a safety instruction signature, that is also provided.

Selecting one of the AOI object definitions in the list displays its dependency graph in the lower panel of the details dashboard. Hover over an object or dependency arrow to display a tooltip with more information about that item. You can zoom the view of the graph to see more or less detail. You can also click and drag to rearrange the objects for easier viewing, none of the dependencies will be changed.

User-Defined Data Types#

The analysis summary identifies the number of UDTs in the project. In the User-Defined Data Types details table you can scroll through the individual UDTs and see information about:

  • Name — The name of the UDT.

  • Description — The description provided for the UDT.

  • Members — The tags and data types used within the UDT. UDTs can contain “nested” UDTs.

Selecting one of the UDT object definitions in the list displays its dependency graph in the lower panel of the details dashboard. Hover over an object or dependency arrow to display a tooltip with more information about that item. You can zoom the view of the graph to see more or less detail. You can also click and drag to rearrange the objects for easier viewing, none of the dependencies will be changed.


The analysis summary identifies the number of strings in the project. In the String Data Types details table you can scroll through the individual strings and see information about:

  • Name — The name of the string.

  • Description — The description provided for the string.

  • Max Characters — The maximum number of characters allowed by the string data type.

You can sort and filter the data in this dashboard. If you want to see the information in a different order, you can reorder the columns in the data table by dragging and dropping them as needed. To help you move around the analysis details page quickly, use keyboard shortcuts.