
When working with your projects you might encounter some error situations. This section lists the most common errors and provides possible solutions.

Unable to access FactoryTalk Vault#

If you cannot access FactoryTalk Vault, it means that your entitlement cannot be verified. This situation can happen for many reasons:

  • Lack of network connectivity

  • Incorrect password

  • Incorrect account name

  • Subscription inactive

  • Service interruption

Check that everything else is working as expected and verify that your account information is correct.

Unable to access items in FactoryTalk Vault#

You were able to login successfully, but then everything is wrong. If this situation occurs, it means that the service has encountered a problem. The service will automatically attempt to restore itself to normal operation. Check the service status portal for updates.

Unable to add a project#

Verify that your project is named correctly. Projects must be named in compliance with the IEC-61311 Name standard:

  • Minimum of two characters

  • No spaces or special characters

  • Contain only alpha-numeric characters and underscores allowed

  • Less than 40 characters

Verify that the description of the project does not exceed the maximum supported length of 500 characters.

Unable to upload a project#

If the network connection is interrupted during upload, the web page might stop responding. Reload the page and try again.

Project file not fully processed#

If portions of the project were corrupted during the upload the project might not be able to be processed. If this situation occurs, delete the project and reattempt the upload.

Unable to download the project as the desired file type#

Each file type (ACD, L5K, and L5X) have different requirements for what must be included in the file. If the project uploaded does not include the required components, you cannot download the file as that file type. Use the analysis function to find out how to modify the project to support the type of download you want to accomplish.